How Can The “Facebook Number Game” Work?

The game of "Facebook Status Update" make a lot of people confused again. This time the game is called Numbers on Facebook Status. After the cartoon characters on Facebook profile photos (Read: Facebook Cartoon Profile Pic Was Made By Pedophiles Group ?), now the game of Numbers on Facebook Status turn become trend now.

People who follow this game will write the number on their status updates like this:

“#708 I am in love,”
“2349 It is a new day and I love my new job”

And as usual, if the Facebook user find something unique and attractive, they will immediately find out what it is and try it.

The numbers on Facebook status is part of the “Facebook Number Game” which started last night. Many users are still baffled about the trend and what do the numbers mean. Salah satu pengguna Facebook, Michael Clark is saying that for him it does not matter what the thing is as long as he had fun using Facebook and he can interact with his friends, “I do not care much about what this number on Facebook status is, as long as me and my friends can be closer because of things like this on Facebook.”

The others say “I do not see how that number on the Facebook status is a benefit to someone. It is just a waste of time and an attempt by someone to create a pattern on Facebook. ”

So how can the “Facebook Number Game” work? All you have to do is ask your friends what they thing about you and providing a number. The friend then gave the answer, and attaches the number of responses for purposes of identification.

Will this numbers on Facebook status be another viral thing? Well the number game on Facebook definitely has the potential to go as viral as the cartoon craze…but will the numbers on Facebook status game turn out to be some sort of hoax?

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